1. So long as there are impressions of objects in the mind, so long the inquiry Who Am I is required. As the thoughts arise, they should be destroyed then and there in the place of their origin through Enquiry.
2. What exists in truth is the self alone.The world, the individual, and god are appearances in it.They appear and disappear at the same time.
3. The Self is that where there is no I thought ( absolutely), that is called silence
4. Guru is known as the remover of darkness
5. Truth is hidden from the disturbed minds.The darkness and ignorance are to be wiped out.
6. If you have the Guru’s blessings, you can achieve anything and everything
7. You achieve true happiness by remaining detached in all situations. Vairagya removes
all attachments to worldly objects.
8. The human body is a precious gift by God for attaining self realization
9. The state of Grace is the speech that rises in the Heart Of silence.
10. Let all earnest seekers after truth adopt straight enquiry method and reach the supreme state to bliss and peace.
11. The wise man must hold his mind firm by supreme self awareness.
12. The consciousness associated with ‘am’ is called Shakti”. The Universe shines by its light. The entire universe is Shakti’s sankalpa( thought ).
13. Highest truth acclaimed in Vedas can be known only through JNANa.
14. All objects of attachments are said to be pairs of opposites.
15. Once the Prarabdha karma, which was responsible for the creation of the body, ceases the bodily burden will automatically fall off.
26. Know that one following conflicting paths is in bondage.
27. No doubt the Atman is forever without form or qualities.
28. The self or atman is always here and now. Yet it is not apparent owing to ignorance.
29. Brahman is distinct from Universe, yet there remains nothing apart from Brahman.
30. Bondage arises from ignorance, knowledge ensures liberation To know this from Guru is Sravana( listening and absorption ).
31.Actions are prescribed only for purification of mind , not for realization of the self.